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Wrocław Centre for
Networking and Supercomputing


Within the project PLATON Science Services Platform – Stage I: Shared Services Container the Wrocław University of Science and Technology - Wrocław Centre for Networking and Supercomputing co-participated in the implementation Campus services for users of the PIONIER network (mainly research and education units).
Campus services are based on an innovative computing and service structure with nationwide coverage, providing applications on demand. The infrastructure is capable of providing a wide range of users from the academic and research communities with flexible, scalable access to specific applications, both on MS Windows and Linux, taking into account the needs of specific professional groups in these environments. Campus service offer include:
  • remote work with interactive (graphic) applications in the MS Windows environment (e.g. Matlab/Simulink, ANSYS, AutoCad graphic tools, Corel)
  • on-demand launch of virtual machines (with MS Windows or Linux) providing a dedicated working environment for the user's application, e.g. a scientist, programmer or graphic designer
  • the option of setting up a virtual mini-cluster for the needs of a particular user, e.g. a laboratory for a group of students or researchers using specific applications.
UCampus services are carried out by 20 MAN and HPC units with local clusters connected by the PIONIER network.

At WCSS, campus services were deployed on a campus cluster. Those wishing to use the service should register in the user portal. The services can be accessed from the portal.


Data rozpoczęcia projektu: 1 lipca 2008 r.
Data zakończenia projektu: 25 lipca 2012 r.
Finansowanie: UE, MNiSW (Projekt nr: POIG.02.03.00-00-028/0), środki własne