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Wrocław Centre for
Networking and Supercomputing


Project 100NET (A new generation optical scientific network) The objective of the project was to build a modern, scientific, new generation optical network for the scientific community, covering the area of the whole country, on the basis of fiber-optic infrastructure of the PIONIER network.
Within the project, direct 100 gbit/s connections were built between five High Performance Computing centres. The infrastructure created is intended to support scientific research and development work of Polish research teams and to provide services used to create advanced research environment tools. Detailed project assumptions:
  • Construction of a DWDM optical transport network allowing the connected 22 leading MAN and HPC units to use connections with very high bandwidth up to the level of multiple 100 Gbit/s channels.
  • Ensuring high reliability and automatic reconfiguration of the optical network nationally.
  • Construction of an efficient switching network in MPLS technology, on 100 Gbit/s interfaces, at HPC locations.
For the needs of infrastructure development necessary to implement the project assumptions, the following purchases were made:
  • MPLS switches with 100Gbps interfaces including operating instructions
  • LLE and Infiniband switches including operating instructions
  • MX2010 JuniperNetworks router.
By using two transmission technologies, NG-OTN and MPLS, it was possible to implement the following functional service networks:
  • 100 Gbit/s connection network between HPCs
  • 10 Gbit/s access network to HPC resources
  • 10 Gbit/s MAN-MAN dedicated channel network
  • cross-border network
  • IP network.
The 100NET infrastructure is connected to the pan-European scientific network GÉANT, the networks of global Internet operators and the scientific networks of neighbouring countries.


Data rozpoczecia projektu: 1 kwietnia 2010 r.
Data zakończenia projektu: 31 grudnia 2015 r.
Finansowanie: POIG.02.03.01-00-065/10

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