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Wrocław Centre for
Networking and Supercomputing


Within the Beesensor project - Development of innovative, intelligent tools for monitoring the occurrence of American foulbrood and elevated levels of Varroa destructor infestation in honeybee colonies, an analytical platform was developed for the purpose of determining the welfare of bee colonies with particular emphasis on monitoring the level of infestation with disease entities (varroa and American foulbrood).
The team of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn was responsible for preparation of the study and interpretation of results. For the study, model healthy bee colonies as well as those in which parasites and diseases in various stages of development occurred were provided. In order to ensure statistical significance and reliability of the obtained results, the largest research environment of this kind in Poland was created.

Wroclaw University of Science and Technology carried out tasks related to data acquisition and analysis. WCSS was responsible for processing (using algorithms based on machine learning) large data sets that were collected within the project. The center's staff handled the design of the necessary software, data analysis, and algorithmization. The analysis made it possible to study the correlation between the collected material and factors from the environment of the studied systems, such as weather data or air pollution. The infrastructure managed by WCSS was used to perform the calculations.

The tasks of developing the commercial usability, defining the business strategy and providing the distribution model for the project products were carried out by Comtegra SA. The result of the project is a tool enabling the detection of bee diseases at an early stage of development, which allows to prevent their rapid spread.


Project start date: 1 January, 2018.
Project end date: 31 December, 2020.