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Wrocław Centre for
Networking and Supercomputing

Wroclaw Centre for Networking and Supercomputing is a co-creator of the Polska Chmura (Polish Cloud) quality mark. The label, or rather a broad project, was created by the Polish Data Center Association to promote Polish cloud service providers whose data centers are located in the country.
In 2016, ten largest data centers in Poland established the Polish Data Center Association (PDCA) in order to jointly cater for the interests of domestic cloud solution providers, promote the Polish data center services sector, counteract monopolistic practices and offer an alternative to global solutions. The mission of the organization also involved encouraging Polish companies and state institutions to use cloud solutions developed by domestic providers. Two years later PDCA, which now includes 11 entities, established the Polish Cloud – a quality mark that guarantees:
  • security of data entrusted to centers being PDCA members,
  • reliability of entities providing cloud services,
  • compliance of applied IT solutions with Polish and EU law,
  • jobs for Polish engineers and programmers,
  • support for Polish economy (PDCA members pay taxes in Poland). 
The agreement called Polish Cloud also allows its members to join efforts in such undertakings as: education and familiarization with cloud solutions, promotion of its potential, as well as of the competences and best practices of Polish data center service providers, encouraging business and government representatives to choose cloud services with the highest level of security.

Polish Cloud is part of an expert coalition working for sustainable development of the digital economy – the Polish Charter for Digital Sovereignty (Polska Karta Suwerenności Cyfrowej).